Christ in Changing Times 1

Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters,
Consider the words of the Psalm Writer( Chapter 4):
6 Many are asking, “Who can show us any good?” Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord . 7 You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. 8 I will lie down and sleep in peacefor you alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety. 
In challenging times it is easy to complain, “Who can show us any good?”  May our prayer be “…let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord!”  The Savior God who loves us so deeply has caused his light to shine upon us in his Son that he sent to rescue us from sin and death.  He stands beside us NOW to renew our joy in Christ. He stands beside us NOW so that we are able to sleep in peace and know that we dwell in safety even in these changing times!
Just a few brief updates (More will soon follow).
The church council met on Thursday night to address the ‘new normal’.  Since
our ability to gather for worship and other activities is limited to less than 10
people, here are a few suggestion to be able to continue to stay close to the
Lord in Word and Sacrament.
       a)  Worship opportunities/Sermon & Services – The following WELS area
churches will have sermons and brief services available for Wednesday (Lent) and Sunday mornings.  If you have internet connections you can access their web sites – services will be prerecorded to that you can success at our normal worship times.
           Resurrection, Verona/Monroe
           St Matthews, Janesville        
           Risen Savior, McFarland       
Please, make use of one of these to continue to hear the Word.
      b)  For Catechism Instruction and Sunday School, Pastor Hellwig will work with families and Sunday School staff to make materials for home use available to parents.  (More to follow).
       c)  Pastor Hellwig will continue to be available to offer private spiritual counsel, private absolution and private communion upon request – either at church or at members’ homes. (Pastor Hellwig will be at the church – in the education wing – from 10:00 AM to Noon THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 22.)

        d)  If you are experiencing any unusual hardship in regard to this situation (or any other situation) please don’t hesitate to let Pastor Hellwig or any church council member know  (We can’t help if we don’t know.)        e) Offerings   The church council is encouraging members to continue to support the work of the Lord with their offerings. Offerings should be mailed to the PARSONAGE – 1708 West Ave, Brodhead WI 53520.  Please include your envelope Checks are safer than cash.

f) Bi-weekly mailing for all members who do not have internet.  We plan to initiate a mailing that will be every other week to all members/prospects starting next week with bulletin announcements and information related to church council action.  

         g) Calling of a new pastor.  (Because of the limitations imposed by the state in the corona virus emergency, the voters’ assembly is unable to meet.  We will explore other options with the synod.)

 I have attached the sermon that Pastor Ken Arndt had planned to preach tomorrow.  Please read it and share!  I will have more copies available at the church TOMORROW.

In the Service of the Savior,

Pastor Glen Hellwig

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