Christ in Changing Times #2

Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters,


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28


It is especially in times of trouble, as we now face, that the Lord’s invitation to find rest for our soul is so precious!  He invites to find in his Word and Sacrament the rest for our souls – the assurance that in Christ our sins are forgiven and we have a sure hope of eternal life with the Lord in the joys of heaven.  Continue to find your rest in his Word and Sacrament!



This Wednesday (tonight) marks the 5th midweek Lenten service.  Please join us in worship at one of these web sites:

St Matthews, Janesville      

Risen Savior, McFarland      

Resurrection, Verona/Monroe


For those who have e-mail/g-mail but are unable to view one of the services on the above web sites, I will send an electronic copy of the sermon on Thursday morning. Continue in the Word!


Holy Communion

The Lord encourages us to receive the Holy Communion often for the strengthening of our faith.  In it the Lord gives us his true body and blood with the personal assurance that our sins are forgiven.         (I Corinthians 10:16-17)  In this time of health concerns it is understandable that those who may be vulnerable will avoid outside contact.  For those whose health is good, we should follow the general precautions provided by our health and government officials.  We should practice good Christian judgment in deciding when to go out.

The most recent state directive “Safe at Home” places NO NEW restrictions on churches (effective on 3/25/20 — 8 AM).  They only ask that we observe “social distancing” – 6 feet of separation and have no more than 9 people in one room at one time.*

       For that reason, Pastor Hellwig will be available to offer Holy Communion to those desiring to receive the sacrament this Sunday morning, March 29th.  We will set up in the education wing and observe the required “social distancing” and the maximum number of 9 people per room.  Each individual’s bread and wine will be set out separately in advance before the service.  Brief services will be held at: 10:00 am; 10:30 am11:00 am and 11:30 am for those desiring to receive the Lord’s comfort in the Sacrament.  If you are in good health, please feel free to join us.

(If you would desire to have Holy Communion privately at home or church at some other time, please let Pastor Hellwig know (e-mail, text or phone)).

*“Weddings, funerals, and religious entities. Religious facilities, entities, groups, and gatherings, and weddings and funerals, except that any gathering shall include fewer than 10 people in a room or confined space at a time and individuals shall adhere to Social Distancing Requirements as much as possible.”    Emergency Order #12

Pastor Glen Hellwig  (608)577-4825 (cell phone)

Email:    564 US Hwy 14, Brooklyn, WI  53521

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